Tuesday, December 24, 2019

The Most Valuable Thing in Life Is Frienship. Do You...

Is friendship the most valuable thing in life? In this era of globalization, people are busy chasing for material wealth,leaving behind many valuable things. It is undeniable that our society is becoming more materialistic.For most of us,money is the most important thing on earth.However, we have forgotten that there are certain things which money could not buy.To name a few,friendship,family,love and health.But which is the most valuable thing in our life?In my opinion,friendship is what I will cherish the most. Admittedly,depression had become a big menace in our society.People start to concern about this issue and it has surely become a hot topic nowadays.Mass media has been trying hard to give solutions to the public,hoping to†¦show more content†¦One of the qualities to success in this field is having a wide social circle.In short,I believe that friendship is really the most important and valuable thing in life. However,I could not deny the fact that family is also one valuable thing in life.Whenever we met a problem,the first one we ll think of is our family.It is always true that family will never betray us and is able to forgive our every mistakes.We grew up with our family members and therefore,the strong bonding causes them to be the one that understand us the most and will give us suitable advice to make a decision.Many successful figures show that they cherish their family and always try their best to spend some precious time with family.Many good qualities we possess now, too,were inculcated since we re young by our dear parents.The undivided love from our family makes it one valuable thing to cherish in our life. There are also many things to cherish in life.To name a few,knowledge is also valuable because with a wide knowledge,others will not look down upon us.Our own reputation and image can be increased with vast knowledge we gained in our life. Health, too, is what we should cherish in our life.Without a healthy body,we will not

Monday, December 16, 2019

Second Foundation 9. The Conspirators Free Essays

For Dr. Darell and Pelleas Anthor, the evenings passed in friendly intercourse; the days in pleasant unimportance. It might have been an ordinary visit. We will write a custom essay sample on Second Foundation 9. The Conspirators or any similar topic only for you Order Now Dr. Darell introduced the young man as a cousin from across space, and interest was dulled by the clich. Somehow, however, among the small talk, a name might be mentioned. There would be an easy thoughtfulness. Dr. Darell might say, â€Å"No,† or he might say, â€Å"Yes.† A call on the open Communi-wave issued a casual invitation, â€Å"Want you to meet my cousin.† And Arcadia’s preparations proceeded in their own manner. In fact, her actions might be considered the least straightforward of all. For instance, she induced Olynthus Dam at school to donate to her a home-built, self-contained sound-receiver by methods which indicated a future for her that promised peril to all males with whom she might come into contact. To avoid details, she merely exhibited such an interest in Olynthus’ self-publicized hobby – he had a home workshop-combined with such a well-modulated transfer of this interest to Olynthus’ own pudgy features, that the unfortunate youth found himself: 1) discoursing at great and animated length upon the principles of the hyperwave motor; 2) becoming dizzyingly aware of the great, absorbed eyes that rested so lightly upon his; and 3) forcing into her willing hands his own greatest creation, the aforesaid sound-receiver. Arcadia cultivated Olynthus in diminishing degree thereafter for just long enough to remove all suspicion that the sound-receiver had been the cause of the friendship. For months afterwards, Olynthus felt the memory of that short period in his life over and over again with the tendrils of his mind, until finally, for lack of further addition, he gave up and let it slip away. When the seventh evening came, and five men sat in the Darell living room with food within and tobacco without, Arcadia’s desk upstairs was occupied by this quite unrecognizable home-product of Olynthus’ ingenuity. Five men then. Dr. Darell, of course, with graying hair and meticulous clothing, looking somewhat older than his forty-two years. Pelleas Author, serious and quick-eyed at the moment looking young and unsure of himself. And the three new men: Jole Turbor, visicastor, bulky and plump-lipped; Dr. Elvett Semic, professor-emeritus of physics at the University, scrawny and wrinkled, his clothes only half-filled; Homir Munn, librarian, lanky and terribly ill-at-ease. Dr. Darell spoke easily, in a normal, matter-of-fact tone: â€Å"This gathering has been arranged, gentlemen, for a trifle more than merely social reasons. You may have guessed this. Since you have been deliberately chosen because of your backgrounds, you may also guess the danger involved. I won’t minimize it, but I will point out that we are all condemned men, in any case. â€Å"You will notice that none of you have been invited with any attempt at secrecy. None of you have been asked to come here unseen. The windows are not adjusted to non-insight. No screen of any sort is about the room. We have only to attract the attention of the enemy to be ruined; and the best way to attract that attention is to assume a false and theatrical secrecy. (Hah, thought Arcadia, bending over the voices coming – a bit screechily – out of the little box.) â€Å"Do you understand that?† Elvett Semic twitched his lower lip and bared his teeth in the screwup, wrinkled gesture that preceded his every sentence. â€Å"Oh, get on with it. Tell us about the youngster.† Dr. Darell said, â€Å"Pelleas Anthor is his name. He was a student of my old colleague, Kleise, who died last year. Kleise sent me his brain-pattern to the fifth sublevel, before he died, which pattern has been now checked against that of the man before you. You know, of course, that a brain-pattern cannot be duplicated that far, even by men of the Science of Psychology. If you don’t know that, you’ll have to take my word for it.† Turbor said, purse-lipped, â€Å"We might as well make a beginning somewheres. We’ll take your word for it, especially since you’re the greatest electroneurologist in the Galaxy now that Kleise is dead. At least, that is the way I’ve described you in my visicast comment, and I even believe it myself. How old are you, Anthor?† â€Å"Twenty-nine, Mr. Turbor.† â€Å"Hm-m-m. And are you an electroneurologist, too? A great one?† â€Å"Just a student of the science. But I work hard, and I’ve had the benefit of Kleise’s training.† Munn broke in. He had a slight stammer at periods of tension. â€Å"I†¦ I wish you’d g†¦ get started. I think everyone’s t†¦ talking too much.† Dr. Darell lifted an eyebrow in Munn’s direction. you’re right, Homir. Take over, Pelleas.† â€Å"Not for a while,† said Pelleas Anthor, slowly, â€Å"because before we can get started – although I appreciate Mr. Munn’s sentiment – I must request brain-wave data.† Darell frowned. â€Å"What is this, Anthor? What brain-wave data do you refer to?† â€Å"The patterns of all of you. You have taken mine, Dr. Darell. I must take yours and those of the rest of you. And I must take the measurements myself.† Turbor said, â€Å"There’s no reason for him to trust us, Darell. The young man is within his rights.† â€Å"Thank you,† said Anthor. â€Å"If you’ll lead the way to your laboratory then, Dr. Darell, well proceed. I took the liberty this morning of checking your apparatus.† The science of electroencephalography was at once new and old. It was old in the sense that the knowledge of the microcurrents generated by nerve cells of living beings belonged to that immense category of human knowledge whose origin was completely lost. It was knowledge that stretched back as far as the earliest remnants of human history- And yet it was new, too. The fact of the existence of microcurrents slumbered through the tens of thousands of years of Galactic Empire as one of those vivid and whimsical, but quite useless, items of human knowledge. Some had attempted to form classifications of waves into waking and sleeping, calm and excited, well and ill – but even the broadest conceptions had had their hordes of vitiating exceptions. Others had tried to show the existence of brain-wave groups, analogous to the well-known blood groups, and to show that external environment was the defining factor. These were the race-minded people who claimed that Man could be divided into subspecies. But such a philosophy could make no headway against the overwhelming ecumenical drive involved in the fact of Galactic Empire – one political unit covering twenty million stellar systems, involving all of Man from the central world of Trantor – now a gorgeous and impossible memory of the great past – to the loneliest asteroid on the periphery. And then again, in a society given over, as that of the First Empire was, to the physical sciences and inanimate technology, there was a vague but mighty sociological push away from the study of the mind. It was less respectable because less immediately useful; and it was poorly financed since it was less profitable. After the disintegration of the First Empire, there came the fragmentation of organized science, back, back – past even the fundamentals of atomic power into the chemical power of coal and oil. The one exception to this, of course, was the First Foundation where the spark of science, revitalized and grown more intense was maintained and fed to flame. Yet there, too, it was the physical that ruled, and the brain, except for surgery, was neglected ground. Hari Seldon was the first to express what afterwards came to be accepted as truth. â€Å"Neural microcurrents,† he once said, â€Å"carry within them the spark of every varying impulse and response, conscious and unconscious. The brain-waves recorded on neatly squared paper in trembling peaks and troughs are the mirrors of the combined thought-pulses of billions of cells. Theoretically, analysis should reveal the thoughts and emotions of the subject, to the last and least. Differences should be detected that are due not only to gross physical defects, inherited or acquired, but also to shifting states of emotion, to advancing education and experience, even to something as subtle as a change in the subject’s philosophy of life.† But even Seldon could approach no further than speculation. And now for fifty years, the men of the First Foundation had been tearing at that incredibly vast and complicated storehouse of new knowledge. The approach, naturally, was made through new techniques – as, for example, the use of electrodes at skull sutures by a newly-developed means which enabled contact to be made directly with the gray cells, without even the necessity of shaving a patch of skull. And then there was a recording device which automatically recorded the brain-wave data as an overall total, and as separate functions of six independent variables. What was most significant, perhaps, was the growing respect in which encephalography and the encephalographer was held. Kleise, the greatest of them, sat at scientific conventions on an equal basis with the physicist. Dr. Darell, though no longer active in the science, was known for his brilliant advances in encephalographic analysis almost as much as for the fact that he was the son of Bayta Darell, the great heroine of the past generation. And so now, Dr. Darell sat in his own chair, with the delicate touch of the feathery electrodes scarcely hinting at pressure upon his skull, while the vacuum-incased needles wavered to and fro. His back was to the recorder – otherwise, as was well known, the sight of the moving curves induced an unconscious effort to control them, with noticeable results – but he knew that the central dial was expressing the strongly rhythmic and little-varying Sigma curve, which was to be expected of his own powerful and disciplined mind. It would be strengthened and purified in the subsidiary dial dealing with the Cerebellar wave. There would be the sharp, near-discontinuous leaps from the frontal lobe, and the subdued shakiness from the subsurface regions with its narrow range of frequencies- He knew his own brain-wave pattern much as an artist might be perfectly aware of the color of his eyes. Pelleas Anthor made no comment when Darell rose from the reclining chair. The young man abstracted the seven recordings, glanced at them with the quick, all-embracing eyes of one who knows exactly what tiny facet of near-nothingness is being looked for. â€Å"If you don’t mind, Dr. Semic.† Semic’s age-yellowed face was serious. Electroencephalography was a science of his old age of which he knew little; an upstart that he faintly resented. He knew that he was old and that his wave-pattern would show it. The wrinkles on his face showed it, the stoop in his walk, the shaking of his hand – but they spoke only of his body. The brain-wave patterns might show that his mind was old, too. An embarrassing and unwarranted invasion of a man’s last protecting stronghold, his own mind. The electrodes were adjusted. The process did not hurt, of course, from beginning to end. There was just that tiny tingle, far below the threshold of sensation. And then came Turbor, who sat quietly and unemotionally through the fifteen minute process, and Munn, who jerked at the first touch of the electrodes and then spent the session rolling his eyes as though he wished he could turn them backwards and watch through a hole in his occiput. â€Å"And now-† said Darell, when all was done. â€Å"And now,† said Anthor, apologetically, â€Å"there is one more person in the house.† Darell, frowning, said: â€Å"My daughter?† ‘Yes. I suggested that she stay home tonight, if you’ll remember.† â€Å"For encephalographical analysis? What in the Galaxy for?† â€Å"I cannot proceed without it.† Darell shrugged and climbed the stairs. Arcadia, amply warned, had the sound-receiver off when he entered; then followed him down with mild obedience. It was the first time in her life – except for the taking of her basic mind pattern as an infant, for identification and registration purposes – that she found herself under the electrodes. â€Å"May I see,† she asked, when it was over, holding out her hand. Dr. Darell said, â€Å"You would not understand, Arcadia. Isn’t it time for you to go to bed?† â€Å"Yes, father,† she said, demurely. â€Å"Good night, all.† She ran up the stairs and plumped into bed with a minimum of basic preparation. With Olynthus’ sound-receiver propped beside her pillow, she felt like a character out of a book-film, and hugged every moment of it close to her chest in an ecstasy of â€Å"Spy-stuff.† The first words she heard were Anthor’s and they were: â€Å"The analyses, gentlemen, are all satisfactory. The child’s as well.† Child, she thought disgustedly, and bristled at Anthor in the darkness. Anthor had opened his briefcase now, and out of it, he took several dozen brain-wave records. They were not originals. Nor had the briefcase been fitted with an ordinary lock. Had the key been held in any hand other than his own, the contents thereof would have silently and instantly oxidized to an indecipherable ash. Once removed from the briefcase, the records did so anyway after half an hour. But during their short lifetime, Anthor spoke quickly. â€Å"I have the records here of several minor government officials at Anacreon. This is a psychologist at Locris University; this an industrialist at Siwenna. The rest are as you see.† They crowded closely. To all but Darell, they were so many quivers on parchment. To Darell, they shouted with a million tongues. Anthor pointed lightly, â€Å"I call your attention, Dr. Darell, to the plateau region among the secondary Tauian waves in the frontal lobe, which is what all these records have in common. Would you use my Analytical Rule, sir, to check my statement?† The Analytical Rule might be considered a distant relation – as a skyscraper is to a shack – of that kindergarten toy, the logarithmic Slide Rule. Darell used it with the wristflip of long practice. He made freehand drawings of the result and, as Anthor stated, there were featureless plateaus in frontal lobe regions where strong swings should have been expected. â€Å"How would you interpret that, Dr. Darell?† asked Anthor. â€Å"I’m not sure. Offhand, I don’t see how it’s possible. Even in cases of amnesia, there is suppression, but not removal. Drastic brain surgery, perhaps?† â€Å"Oh, something’s been cut out,† cried Anthor, impatiently, â€Å"yes! Not in the physical sense, however. You know, the Mule could have done just that. He could have suppressed completely all capacity for a certain emotion or attitude of mind, and leave nothing but just such a flatness. Or else-â€Å" â€Å"Or else the Second Foundation could have done it. Is that it?† asked Turbor, with a slow smile. There was no real need to answer that thoroughly rhetorical question. â€Å"What made you suspicious, Mr. Anthor?† asked Munn. â€Å"It wasn’t I. It was Dr. Kleise. He collected brain-wave patterns much as the Planetary Police do, but along different lines. He specialized in intellectuals, government officials and business leaders. You see, it’s quite obvious that if the Second Foundation is directing the historical course of the Galaxy – of us – that they must do it subtly and in as minimal a fashion as possible. If they work through minds, as they must, it is the minds of people with influence; culturally, industrially, or politically. And with those he concerned himself.† â€Å"Yes,† objected Munn, â€Å"but is there corroboration? How do these people act – I mean the ones with the plateau. Maybe it’s all a perfectly normal phenomenon.† He looked hopelessly at the others out of his, somehow, childlike blue eyes, but met no encouraging return. â€Å"I leave that to Dr. Darell,† said Anthor. â€Å"Ask him how many times he’s seen this phenomenon in his general studies, or in reported cases in the literature over the past generation. Then ask him the chances of it being discovered in almost one out of every thousand cases among the categories Dr. Kleise studied.† â€Å"I suppose that there is no doubt,† said Darell, thoughtfully, â€Å"that these are artificial mentalities. They have been tampered with. In a way, I have suspected this-â€Å" â€Å"I know that, Dr. Darell,† said Author. â€Å"I also know you once worked with Dr. Kleise. I would like to know why you stopped.† There wasn’t actually hostility in his question. Perhaps nothing more than caution; but, at any rate, it resulted in a long pause. Darell looked from one to another of his guests, then said brusquely, â€Å"Because there was no point to Kleise’s battle. He was competing with an adversary too strong for him. He was detecting what we – he and I – knew he would detect – that we were not our own masters. And I didn’t want to know! I had my self-respect. I liked to think that our Foundation was captain of its collective soul; that our forefathers had not quite fought and died for nothing. I thought it would be most simple to turn my face away as long as I was not quite sure. I didn’t need my position since the Government pension awarded to my mother’s family in perpetuity would take care of my uncomplicated needs. My home laboratory would suffice to keep boredom away, and life would some day end – Then Kleise died-â€Å" Semic showed his teeth and said: â€Å"This fellow Kleise; I don’t know him. How did he die?† Anthor cut in: â€Å"He died. He thought he would. He told me half a year before that he was getting too close-â€Å" â€Å"Now we’re too c†¦ close, too, aren’t we?† suggested Munn, dry-mouthed, as his Adam’s apple jiggled. â€Å"Yes,† said Anthor, flatly, â€Å"but we were, anyway – all of us. It’s why you’ve all been chosen. I’m Kleise’s student. Dr. Darell was his colleague. Jole Turbor has been denouncing our blind faith in the saving hand of the Second Foundation on the air, until the government shut him off – through the agency, I might mention, of a powerful financier whose brain shows what Kleise used to call the Tamper Plateau. Homir Munn has the largest home collection of Muliana – if I may use the phrase to signify collected data concerning the Mule – in existence, and has published some papers containing speculation on the nature and function of the Second Foundation. Dr. Semic has contributed as much as anyone to the mathematics of encephalographic analysis, though I don’t believe he realized that his mathematics could be so applied.† Semic opened his eyes wide and chuckled gaspingly, â€Å"No, young fellow. I was analyzing intranuclear motions – the n-body problem, you know. I’m lost in encephalography.† â€Å"Then we know where we stand. The government can, of course, do nothing about the matter. Whether the mayor or anyone in his administration is aware of the seriousness of the situation, I don’t know. But this I do know – we five have nothing to lose and stand to gain much. With every increase in our knowledge, we can widen ourselves in safe directions. We are but a beginning, you understand.† â€Å"How widespread,† put in Turbor, â€Å"is this Second Foundation infiltration?† â€Å"I don’t know. There’s a flat answer. All the infiltrations we have discovered were on the outer fringes of the nation. The capital world may yet be clean, though even that is not certain – else I would not have tested you. You were particularly suspicious, Dr. Darell, since you abandoned research with Kleise. Kleise never forgave you, you know. I thought that perhaps the Second Foundation had corrupted you, but Kleise always insisted that you were a coward. You’ll forgive me, Dr. Darell, if I explain this to make my own position clear. I, personally, think I understand your attitude, and, if it was cowardice, I consider it venial.† Darell drew a breath before replying. â€Å"I ran away! Call it what you wish. I tried to maintain our friendship, however, yet he never wrote nor called me until the day he sent me your brainwave data, and that was scarcely a week before he died-â€Å" â€Å"If you don’t mind,† interrupted Homir Munn, with a flash of nervous eloquence, â€Å"I d†¦ don’t see what you think you’re doing. We’re a p†¦ poor bunch of conspirators, if we’re just going to talk and talk and t†¦ talk. And I don’t see what else we can do, anyway. This is v†¦ very childish. B†¦ brain-waves and mumbo jumbo and all that. Is there just one thing you intend to do?† Pelleas Author’s eyes were bright, â€Å"Yes, there is. We need more information on the Second Foundation. It’s the prime necessity. The Mule spent the first five years of his rule in just that quest for information and failed – or so we have all been led to believe. But then he stopped looking. Why? Because he failed? Or because he succeeded?† â€Å"M†¦ more talk,† said Munn, bitterly. â€Å"How are we ever to know?† â€Å"If you’ll listen to me – The Mule’s capital was on Kalgan. Kalgan was not part of the Foundation’s commercial sphere of influence before the Mule and it is not part of it now. Kalgan is ruled, at the moment, by the man, Stettin, unless there’s another palace revolution by tomorrow. Stettin calls himself First Citizen and considers himself the successor of the Mule. If there is any tradition in that world, it rests with the super-humanity and greatness of the Mule – a tradition almost superstitious in intensity. As a result, the Mule’s old palace is maintained as a shrine. No unauthorized person may enter; nothing within has ever been touched.† â€Å"Well?† â€Å"Well, why is that so? At times like these, nothing happens without a reason. What if it is not superstition only that makes the Mule’s palace inviolate? What if the Second Foundation has so arranged matters? In short what if the results of the Mule’s five-year search are within-â€Å" â€Å"Oh, p†¦ poppycock.† â€Å"Why not?† demanded Anthor. â€Å"Throughout its history the Second Foundation has hidden itself and interfered in Galactic affairs in minimal fashion only. I know that to us it would seem more logical to destroy the Palace or, at the least, to remove the data. But you must consider the psychology of these master psychologists. They are Seldons; they are Mules and they work by indirection, through the mind. They would never destroy or remove when they could achieve their ends by creating a state of mind. Eh?† No immediate answer, and Anthor continued, â€Å"And you, Munn, are just the one to get the information we need.† â€Å"I?†*** It was an astounded yell. Munn looked from one to the other rapidly, â€Å"I can’t do such a thing. I’m no man of action; no hero of any teleview. I’m a librarian. If I can help you that way, all right, and I’ll risk the Second Foundation, but I’m not going out into space on any qu†¦ quixotic thing like that.† â€Å"Now, look,† said Anthor, patiently, â€Å"Dr. Darell and I have both agreed that you’re the man. It’s the only way to do it naturally. You say you’re a librarian. Fine! What is your main field of interest? Muliana! You already have the greatest collection of material on the Mule in the Galaxy. It is natural for you to want more; more natural for you than for anyone else. You could request entrance to the Kalgan Palace without arousing suspicion of ulterior motives. You might be refused but you would not be suspected. What’s more, you have a one-man cruiser. You’re known to have visited foreign planets during your annual vacation. You’ve even been on Kalgan before. Don’t you understand that you need only act as you always have?† â€Å"But I can’t just say, ‘W†¦ won’t you kindly let me in to your most sacred shrine, M†¦ Mr. First Citizen?’ â€Å" â€Å"Why not?† â€Å"Because, by the Galaxy, he won’t let me!† â€Å"All right, then. So he won’t Then you’ll come home and we’ll think of something else.† Munn looked about in helpless rebellion. He felt himself being talked into something he hated. No one offered to help him extricate himself. So in the end two decisions were made in Dr. Darell’s house. The first was a reluctant one of agreement on the part of Munn to take off into space as soon as his summer vacation began. The other was a highly unauthorized decision on the part of a thoroughly unofficial member of the gathering, made as she clicked off a sound-receiver and composed herself for a belated sleep. This second decision does not concern us just yet. How to cite Second Foundation 9. The Conspirators, Essay examples

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Events About the Bullying Research Proposal

Question: In this assignment you will finalize your research proposal through including sections on possible data sources and limitations. 1. Introduction2. Research Questions3. Literature Review4. Research Methodology and Data Collection5. Limitations Answer: 1.0 Introduction It has been observed that the bullying majorly happens in the schools, communities and homes. However, these types of events sometimes describes as rite of passage. However, through some of the studies it has been observed that bullying is not a sudden rising issue rather it is a socially learned activity. Through, this kind of social learning does not comes from the conventional society it comes from the arrogance developed through some of the unfavourable incidents within the school boundaries. However, through the study by Kokkinos et al. (2014) it has been observed that bullying is not only the problem of youth but also a problem of every age group. Some of the initiatives through programs like anti-bullying have been initiated to reduce the bullying events but it requires more of a social initiative to encounter this problem. Currently most of the advanced schools have implemented monitoring mechanism with the help of technology and this monitoring to some extent helped to reduc e the bullying events. The method of bullying activity differs according to the situations and according to the mentality of the students. However, most commonly found bullying activities are threatening, cyber-bullying. In some of the events, it has been observed that the bullying happened due to the religion and race. 2.0 Research Questions What kind of bullying majorly happens in schools? How does it is hampering the image of the schools? How it is affecting the students mental health? What action they took to minimize the bullying within the schools premises? What kind of awareness does the school develops and through what kind of events about the bullying? How the school helped the parents to deal with the bullying issues? 3.0 Literature Review Most of the researchers who majorly worked on bullying described their responsiveness to the relationship between the level of bullying and the internal operating environment of the schools. ). In most of the cases, it has been identified that those students who got bulled inside the schools went into a mental trauma. This happened majorly in the cases of kids and young youths. The bullying took them into a depressed state where they starts found themselves alone. This gradually affects their daily lifestyle and due to that the academic and the social performances of those students starts decreasing (Kousholt Fisker, 2014). Through the different studies, it has been identified that the bullying inside the school premise has a very long-term effect on the students. Bullying majorly affects the mental health of the students especially the young students. The study by Kousholt Fisker (2014) has seen that the mental illness like chronic anxiety, depression and suicidal tendency develops very silently within the minds of the victims. According to the report provided by Embury Saklofske (2014) has very critically shown that in current times the bullying in schools is quite unavoidable. However, current most of the schools are trying to increase a co-ordination between parents and teachers to identify the sign of distress attitude within the students that can help them to identify the bullying activities. One of the most shocking data was provided by the George Washington University (2004), which reflects that most of teachers do not have the adequate training to handle the bullying issues. The same study had shown a very different thing on bullying. It shows that 70% of the students have carried the bullying attitude from their seniors. However, according to some of the teachers, the bullying is nothing but a common incident of life and it should be taken sportingly rather than seriously (The George Washington University, 2004). However, according to Arcus (2002) to battle bullying behaviors all school should adjust a zero patience policy towards any forms of bullying. Therefore, the observation on the bullying activities from the students could help to identify the intrinsic or extrinsic source of bullying. The identification of the bullying motivation will also provide a snapshot about from which circumstances and from which social aspects the growth of bullying is actually happening. If the source of bullying can be identified it will be very much easy to handle this phenomenon. Through some of the other studies, it has been observed that the response from the teachers differs in several ways in accordance with the situation and events (Olweus, 1993). According to the study by Marshall et al. (2009) it has been observed that the teachers tried to manage the bullying events through their earlier experiences. However, the degree of management majorly differs due to the intent and the involvement issue from the teachers end. Sometimes it has been observed that some of the teachers are very much proactive to handle the issue on the other hand in some cases it has been observed that some of the teachers were not so much active to minimize the consequences of bullying. Through some other studies, it has been observed that some of the teachers tried to encounter the issue with constructive approach. However, both these approaches are very much evident. The most important point was pointed out by the study of Rodkin Gest (2011) through stating that the development of the classrooms internal cultural will help to handle the issue more effectively than others. According to the research by Craig (1998) and Arcus (2002) it has been observed that the consequences of bullying sometimes gone to the extreme. It has been observed that sometimes the consequences lead to the chronic depression and suicidal attempts from the students. The suicidal trend is very much higher in the cases of young students because they consider it as a social humiliation (Rodkin Gest, 2011). According to the study by Embury Saklofske (2014), it has been observed that most of the bullying cases hampered the psychological health of the students. It most of the time reduces the academic and the social participation interest from the bulled students. The National Education Association produced the most shocking evidence. It showed that students who became a repeated victim of bullying inside the school premises it develop the learning disability within themselves. However, through some of the reports it has been observed that schools are claiming that they are taking car e of the bullying incidents through doing activities like counseling and increasing the events like group participative sports (Rodkin Gest, 2011). However, it has been observed that the incidents on bullying are not decreasing significantly. Two separate research conducted by Craig (1998) it has been observed that mental disorders like the suicidal tendencies, anxiety and social identity crisis starts developing due to the bullying activities. Some of the other studies very specifically pointed out that the kids are more affected by the psychological disorders like depression and anxiety. However, the suicidal tendency is majorly appears within the young kids and the most influential reason behind this is that the young kids considers bullying is a social humiliation for them. According to Helpin and Crofts (1963) the internal climate of a school influences the behavioral nature of a school. This study also states that the internal culture majorly helps in the development of the friendly climate and the proper personality of the students. This development majorly helped the students to grow a positive attitude within them. This personality and the attitude development influence the minimization of the bullying activities within the school premises. 4.0 Research Methodology and Data Collection 4.0.1 Orientation of the Sample population The sample population will consists of students from 8th to 12th standard. However, other than the students the parents of the students and the teachers will also be considered as the member of the sample population for the continuation of this research. Therefore, the orientation of the sample population will be : Population Groups Number of participants 1 Students (Grade 8 to 12) 30 students 2 Teachers 30 teachers (including supervisors) 3 Parents 30 Parents Table 1: Sample population Orientation (Source: Created by Author) However, to select this sample random sampling will be considered. The main reason for the selection of the random selection is that the random sample selection will reduce the chances of any kind of sample biasness. Therefore, the transparency of the sample selection will be intact. 4.0.2 Research Design To conduct this research a cross-sectional study will be done. The cross-sectional study helps to analyze the psychological development of the phenomenon. The main reason for the selection of the cross-sectional study is that it will provide a scope to analyze an event not through cause-effect relationships but through observation of a population. The cross-sectional study will help to gather the supportive primary data that will support the analyzed data during the data analysis. On the other hand, the research will be done through the descriptive study through keeping a focus on the structured development of the questionnaires. The entire study will be conducted through the proposed sample orientation. The students will be questioned through a one to one interview in the presence of their parents. Thorough this interview the main motto will be to collect data about their bullying incidents. The sub-lining motto will be to identify how that event affected their mental health. On the other hand, through interviewing the parents the researcher will try to understand how the bullying affected their childs behavior and how the schools responded to it. This interview will be conducted in a neutral venue and nature will be one to one. However, teachers will be questioned through creating a focus group. The main motto of this focus group interview will be to analyze and identify the pulses of the teaches on the bullying issue. Therefore, the open-ended questions wil l provided a detailed view about the issue whereas the close-ended questions will provide a snapshot of the issue. 4.0.3 Instruments of the Research To conduct this research both the open-ended and the close-ended questions will be developed. Keeping the sensitivity on the mind the quantitative questions will be designed for the students and the parents. The design of the questions will be such a kind that it will help to focus on a particular point rather than focusing on a broader points. However, the questions for the teachers will be designed with the open-ended questions. The main reason for designing the open-ended questions is that it will help to bring more insight view of the issue. This insight view will help the researcher to extract more detailed information about the form and the motive of bullying that happens inside the school premises. This form and motive helps in the identification of the source of the bullying attitude. 4.0.4 Research Time Table Table 2: Research Timetable (Source: Created by Author) 5.0 Limitations The major limitation of this research work is as it is an academic research, most of the schools and the teachers may not show much interest to participate in the interview. On the other hand, the parents may not allow their kids to participate in the interview. The main reason behind this is that they may think that the questioning on the sensitive issues may degrade the mental stability of their kids. Other than these, time will be a major limitation for this research project because more periods could provide more data on the phenomenon. Reference List A. Halpin, Croft, D. (1963). The Organizational Climate of Schools. Chicago: University of Chicago.Arcus, D. (2002). School shooting fatalities and school corporal punishment: A look at the states. Aggressive Behavior, 28(3), 173-183. doi:10.1002/ab.90020Brinson, Sabrina A. (2005). Boys dont tell on sugar-and-spice-but-not-so-nice girl bullies. Reclaiming Children and Youth: The Journal of Strength-based Interventions, 14, 169-174.Craig, W. M. (1998). The relationship among bullying, victimization, depression, anxiety, and aggression in elementary school children.Personality and Individual Differences, 24(1).Kokkinos, C., Antoniadou, N., Markos, A. (2014). Cyber-bullying: An investigation of the psychological profile of university student participants. Journal Of Applied Developmental Psychology, 35(3), 204-214. doi:10.1016/j.appdev.2014.04.001Kousholt, K., Fisker, T. (2014). Approaches to Reduce Bullying in Schools - A Critical Analysis from the Viewpoint of First- and Second-Ord er Perspectives on Bullying. Child Soc, n/a-n/a. doi:10.1111/chso.12094M. L. Marshall, Varjas, K., Meyers, J., Graybill, E. C., Skoczylas, R. B. (2009). Teacherresponses to bullying: self-reports from the front line. Journal of School Violence, 8(2),136-158. doi: 10.1080/15388220802074124Olweus, D. (1993). Bullying at school - What we know and what we can do. Oxford: Blackwell PublishersP. C. Rodkin, Gest, S. D. (2011). Teaching practices, classroom peer ecologies, and bullyingbehaviors among schoolchildren. In D. L. Espelage S. M. Swearer (Eds.), Bullying in North American Schools (2nd ed., pp. 75-90). New York: Routledge.Prince-Embury, S., Saklofske, D. (2014). Resilience Interventions for Youth in Diverse Populations. Dordrecht: Springer.The George Washington University. (2004, December 15). Bullying - Is it part of growing up, or part of school violence. Retrieved from The Center for Health and Health Care in Schools: https://www.healthinschools.org/News-Room/InFocus/2004/Is sue-2.aspx

Sunday, December 1, 2019

The Process Review Essay Example

The Process Review Paper Essay on The Process Life is the night carried out in a deep sleep, often turning into a nightmare (c) Schopenhauer For a long time did not dare to read Kafka, for some reason thought it would be difficult. No, you do not think there is to feel. And do not feel you can not book up. Kafka from the first page skillfully immerses us in an atmosphere of wacky, absurd dream, hold and does not let go until the end of the novel. The absurdity is the only reality that has become commonplace. And if other writers managed to convey this feeling in some episodes, are they permeated the entire novel. We will write a custom essay sample on The Process Review specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Process Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Process Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer From the very first pages of the uncertainty of events is worrying, and even irritation. Josef K wakes up in his bed on my birthday, and is taken into custody and arrested. Those who came after him people did not explain further conversation with the inspector also clarifies nothing. Neither Joseph nor we did not know, what is the charge. However, the case against him is. At first Joseph refers to it quite lightly, but soon takes everything seriously, hires a lawyer, trying to make some exculpatory letters, not knowing, in fact, what it should be justified. The process tightens its stronger and stronger, and eventually absorbs completely. All the people he met vague hint at the circumstances of the process, even though no one really knows anything nor about the court procedure, nor the judges themselves. But it is known that the only way is to get the sentence reprieve, tighten the case, and this justification can not be So Joseph becomes involved in a huge, soulless and mindless mechanism that in the end it grinds.. at first glance it looks like a protest against the mechanical state of the system, against the bureaucrats and red tape. And it is this interpretation of the process sought translators in the Soviet Union, adjusting text to the existing in the country and the system of peoples minds. But its just different. The process of Kafka it is life itself, with heightened to the limit of existential anxiety, everyday its absurdity, lack of meaning, which is unconditionally accept everything and eventually forced to accept and you Its a vague anxiety due to the lack of reasons. and the wine, which is already a consequence of the verdict inevitable. the process that suppresses captures surprise, lulls, and constantly distracted by something more. Rate skill of the author, show us this sleep yes And here, perhaps, the identity of the writer, dreamer. His life, moods and views are no less interesting than the work itself To love such dreams -. No . The Process Review Essay Example The Process Review Paper Essay on The Process You had a dream to see people, and awake, not even remember what they looked like? And, you know that these people are in a dream you liked, they were certainly beautiful, but the facial features somehow blurred in the minds of You know the feeling, when you dream you are doing something that in reality would have been considered nonsense or absurdity ? Well, for example, goes supposedly the war in the hands of the machine, and on the body of a nightgown or worse one smelting Or you dream you are late for an exam or a party, but can not find a thing and get out of the house, though basically, we could easily do without it. Familiar? The novel The Trial will be one of the most bizarre and absurd dreams that you have ever seen. I was reading at the time of a strong feeling that it is Kafka dreamed of. Josef K., a senior clerk of the bank, in one morning, falls under arrest by some strange process, which from the beginning does not apply. Everything in the novel takes place in terms of apparently. Apparently, someone has slandered Mr. K., apparently, people came to arrest him, apparently, these people are the guards, apparently, a serious process, apparently, is to pay him a lot of attention The images of people, in one way or another connected with the process, but according to simple logic, it is associated with him, constantly slipping out of memory, as well as the face of the hero, who in the novel generally not indicated. Actors frivolous and unreal, and the details of the process do not see. It is not clear what the accused K. and what the circumstances of his case. Investigators look not as investigators, the case does not move a single step, the lawyer does not work, the investigation department is on the dirty attic apartment house with sooty walls and a low ceiling. We will write a custom essay sample on The Process Review specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Process Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Process Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer And everything that happens in the book is so funny that a time to weep. mans struggle with the authorities, who seem to exist only in his mind. The fight for anything and nothing. As in a fairy tale, Go there, do not know where . Whichever door or knocked, in the hope of a speedy resolution of the process, for it always turn out another five thousand doors. Infinite climbing the narrow, dusty staircases Offices exhausting soul, stale, stuffy and hot air causes their heart to jump out of his chest and throat hurt shrink. And no time to stop and sort things out for real. And yet something run, fuss, you lose precious time of their lives. And yet it seems that any fool knows more were close to your process than yourself. Cook whispering his advice, the artist boasting friendship with the judge, even the little girl on the stairs scoff at all your efforts The picture on the cover of Going up and down arms of Maurits Cornelis Escher graphic illustration of the idea of ​​process for process but not for the result. The reality of the absurd, which I would call the absurdity of reality. And everyone decides for himself what this novel. About that there is a man knocks out of the rut intervention in his life authorities. And he involuntarily transforms the quiet and measured life in a single large red tape. About that there is carefully courts do business, and how they will lead them and many more years to come. And this imaginary meticulousness and sensitivity poisons the mans life. Perhaps the novel that between law and fulfillment of the law is a huge gap A procurator for Joseph becomes procurator profession in its own case. Funny ceremony this small flies, of which people are capable of doing elephants .